Yu Chia (Gerry) Wu

Software Engineer II at RetailMeNot. MS degree in Computer Engineering, passionate about programming and software development.


Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Texas at Austin, Aug. 2014 - May 2016

After serving as Substitute Military at Ministry of Justice, I started studying at UT. I am one of the web administrator at UT TSA and also a member of the Cubing Club.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

National Taiwan University, Sept. 2009 - June 2013

I started out majoring in Electrical Engineering. Besides study, I also play intense table tennis and was a leader of the EE department table tennis team. In 2013, our team won the championship of the Nationwide Electronics Cup.

Industry Experience

Software Engineer II at RetailMeNot

June 2018 - Present

I am currently working in the web platform engineering team.

Software Engineer at National Instruments

July 2016 - June 2018

I worked in the Research and Development RF software team, developing driver for testing testing next generation cellular and wireless standards such as LTE-A/Pro, WLAN and Bluetooth. My responsbility includes writing clean, extensible and maintainable code while rapidly protoype new algorithms to improve product performace.

Software Engineer Intern at Yahoo

June – August 2015

I spent a wonderful summer at Yahoo developing an Android app from scratch called Jumper. I did not had a lot of experience in Android nor web at the time when I started, but I was able to quickly learn the ropes and implemented live video streaming function by incoperating open source projects. By combining cloud services, I also developed the notification function to enable answering calls as well as interactions within a call. It was also the first time I experienced the whole process of software development cycle and the agile development methodology.

Project Experience


Feb. 2015 - March 2015

Skills: Android, Java

I attended HackDFW 2015 and our team developed an attraction recommendation app. It will recommend attractions depending on the weather. We used Yelp and Weather Underground API for this project.


Sept. 2015

Skills: Android, Java, Python

I also attended HackTX and got the opportunity to play with Sensel trackpad. Here is a picture of our demo. The app is about combining the powerful trackpad with Android devices via Bluetooth.


Oct. 2015 - Dec. 2015

Skills: Python, Javascript, JQuery, Google App Engine

This is a website that started at HackTAMU and then refined as a final project of the course APT. The main goal is to combine to-do lists with Google calendar. Here is a demo video!

Restaurant Picker

Oct. 2016

Skills: Javascript, JQuery, Mongoose, ExpressJS, Heroku

This is a website that let you collect all your favorite restaurants from Yelp, while having the capability of sharing and editing the restaurant list with your friends.

ATX Hack the Traffic

Mar. 2017

Skills: Python, Flask, Javascript, Postgresql, Semantic UI

This was an interesting hackathon where the City of Austin open sourced some Austin traffic data, and we built a website that predicts the fastest traveling time based on the Dijkstra's algorithm.

React Semantic UI Sortable Table

Jan. 2018

Skills: ReactJS, Docker, Javascript, Semantic UI, Zeit.Now, Travis-ci

A small demo for sortable tables of React Semantic UI. Also incorporated with Travis-ci for automated tests and deploying docker build to Zeit's Now.sh platform. Test coverage supported by coveralls.io.

Skill Set